Welcome to Hazel's House

Located in Morgantown, West Virginia, Hazel's House of Hope is proudly home to social service agencies dedicated to serving vulnerable populations in Monongalia County and beyond.

Our Collaborative, Compassionate Community Resource

With the help of community partners, the primary goal of Hazel's House of Hope is to ensure food security, shelter, health, and financial dignity for the residents of Monongalia County and surrounding counties by fostering a synergetic, inclusive, and positive environment for all people suffering from homelessness, food insecurity, and substance use disorders in the community.

01. homelessness

For individuals or families facing temporary or permanent loss of housing, our dedicated partner organizations are here to help.

02. food insecurity

Ensuring community-wide food security for children, adults, senior citizens, and families is a critical component of our mission.

03. addiction

Recovery is possible. Our partner organizations are committed to assisting individuals with Substance Use Disorders find a path to recovery.

difference makers

Partner Organizations

Hazel's House of Hope is proudly home to 10 impact driven community organizations.

Change The world

Join Our Mission

There are many ways to get involved, make an impact, and strengthen our community.